Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. Movietone News, Vol. 40, No. 41


Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. Movietone News, Vol. 40, No. 41


Part 1, survivors of the Battle of the Coral Sea relate their experiences aboard the Bennington. Includes views of the naval battle. Part 2, Pres. Ngo Dinh Diem of South Viet Nam is met by Pres. Eisenhower and Sec. of State Dulles as he arrives in Wash., D.C. Part 3, Cardinal Wyszynski of Poland stops in Vienna on his way to Rome. Part 4, a jet plane which takes off and lands vertically is demonstrated at Edwards AF Base, Calif. Part 5 shows a fox hunt, sans fox, in Australia. Part 6, men row kayaks in the Marne R. near Paris. Part 7, a comedy bullfight is held near Paris.

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